Dreamboard Design

Let’s craft dreams.

Our dream boards, vision boards, and mood boards perfectly complement our seasoned coaching and facilitation. Googly Moogly is your trusted partner on an exhilarating voyage of transformation through visualization and manifestation. 


improv for business workshops

What Is Dreamboard Design?

Dream boards, also known as vision boards, are powerful tools used to visualize and manifest one’s goals, dreams, and desires. They typically consist of a collage or arrangement of images, words, and affirmations that represent the things you want to achieve or attract into your life. Dream boards are a physical or digital representation of your aspirations and serve as a visual reminder of your goals.

Interested in creating a dreamboard? Contact me!

Individual Coaching

Coaching sessions are tailored to your specific goals, where you work closely with a coach to create and achieve a dream. We work with you on:

  • Step into your ideal life with our personalized coaching. We’ll help you craft a vision that aligns with your goals, empowering you to achieve success in all areas of your life.
  • Learn how to manifest your deepest desires, attracting opportunities and abundance into your life through the art of dream boards.
  • Tap into your inner potential, boost your confidence, and overcome obstacles with the support of our dedicated coaches.


    Group Facilitation

    Collaborative vision board workshops designed for teams, organizations, or groups with a common purpose. Other uses are: 

    • Whether you’re a team of artists, designers, or creators, our mood board sessions will define and elevate your unique project style, fostering a collaborative and creative environment.
    • Strengthen connections and enhance communication among your group members as you work together to create boards that inspire and unify your vision.
    • Fuel your group’s innovation and creativity by using mood boards to generate fresh ideas and concepts.