Improv for Business

Let’s make believe.

Our Business Improv coaching and facilitation services are here to transform your professional world into a stage of endless possibilities.


improv for business workshops

What Is Improv for Business?

Business Improv is not just about making people laugh; it’s a dynamic approach that leverages the principles of improvisational comedy to enhance teamwork, boost confidence, and foster innovation. By embracing spontaneity, adaptability, and the art of “Yes, And,” you’ll unlock untapped potential within yourself and your team.

Interested in using improv for business? Contact me!

Individual Coaching

For individuals seeking personal growth, self-confidence, and professional development, our business Improv coaching will help you:

  • Communicate with clarity and impact
  • Think on your feet and problem-solve creatively
  • Set and achieve career goals with newfound courage
  • Build resilience and adaptability in the workplace
Group Facilitation

When it comes to team dynamics, Business Improv is a game-changer. Our group facilitation services offer you the opportunity to:

  • Enhance team cohesion and collaboration
  • Boost creativity and innovative thinking
  • Improve communication, active listening, and empathy
  • Tackle challenges and brainstorm solutions with flair

What They Said

"This was just what our team needed—a chance to have fun, play, and support one another. I will definitely be using the “Yes, and…” concept in our meetings and in my work. And might occasionally “be” a bean if we need to lighten the mood and share energy with one another."


"I went into the professional development workshop assured that I wouldn’t like it. I’m a team player so I had to participate however as a very straight forward and generally serious person I knew I wouldn’t enjoy it and I was so wrong! It pushed me out of my comfort zone, in the best way possible. The leaders of the workshop that guided us through the various activities were amazing. Through these activities we were able to see the importance of listening, communication, and working together to achieve a common goal. It was an overall great experience that I would definitely recommend for other businesses or groups."


Our Improv Thoughts