Let’s explore, brick by brick.

Our LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® services are here to empower you, whether you’re an individual seeking personal growth or a group aiming to supercharge your collective potential.


lego serious play workshops


LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is not just about playing with bricks; it’s a powerful methodology that harnesses the creative genius of LEGO to explore complex ideas, uncover hidden insights, and drive innovation. By building, sharing, and reflecting, you’ll unlock new perspectives and solutions you never thought possible.

Interested in a LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® workshop? Contact me!

Individual Coaching

For individuals seeking self-discovery and personal development, our LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® coaching is your gateway to:

  • Uncover your unique strengths and capabilities
  • Solve personal challenges and roadblocks creatively
  • Set inspiring goals and create a clear path to achieve them
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your aspirations
Group Facilitation

When it comes to group dynamics, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a game-changer. Our group facilitation services offer you the opportunity to:

  • Enhance team cohesion and collaboration
  • Dive deep into complex problems and develop innovative solutions
  • Explore strategic planning and envision the future together
  • Improve communication, empathy, and active listening within your team

What They Said

"I tapped into a reservoir from my childhood where flights of fancy are limitless and I learned to fabricate a rainbow of original artistry outside of my usual creative endeavors. Thank you for allowing me to play with your Legos and enter that world of fantasy and fun."


"I came in with the lowest of expectations mostly because I had never played with LEGOS as a kid. I left with a sincere admiration for storytelling at the most necessary level. Frank opened my eyes. I created a story with more depth to it than I ever thought possible... It's truly amazing how creating a setting and physically putting your characters in them squeezes your heart just enough to enjoy the story your making. So thankful I did this!"


Our LEGO Thoughts