Mindfulness Toys

Let’s use the joy of toys.

Our mindfulness toys serve as catalysts for enhancing focus, creativity, and emotional resilience, empowering individuals to manage stress and achieve a healthier work-life balance.



lego serious play workshops

What are Mindfulness Toys?

Mindfulness toys are purposefully chosen, interactive tools designed to inspire creativity, encourage relaxation, and boost productivity. They serve as a gateway to mindfulness and self-discovery, offering a unique and enjoyable way to foster personal growth and enhance team dynamics.


Experience how mindfulness toys can elevate you or your organization. We’re dedicated to empowering professionals and employers to harness the power of play for personal and professional growth. Contact me!

Individual Coaching

In our individual coaching sessions, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness, all while engaging with purposefully chosen, interactive toys.

  • Mindfulness toys provide an effective outlet for managing stress and promoting well-being among individuals. They offer a playful escape from the demands of a busy professional life.

  • Engaging with mindfulness toys can sharpen cognitive skills, boost creativity, and encourage innovative thinking, making individuals more effective in problem-solving and decision-making.

  • Mindfulness toys foster emotional intelligence and resilience, empowering individuals to better handle challenges, setbacks, and changes in the workplace.

  • By incorporating mindfulness toys into their daily routines, professionals can achieve a healthier work-life balance, resulting in increased job satisfaction and overall well-being.

Group Facilitation

In our group coaching sessions, we guide you through interactive activities that harness the collective power of play to enhance communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. 

  • Mindfulness toys promote teamwork and communication among group members, creating a more harmonious and collaborative work environment.
  • Team workshops using mindfulness toys build trust and strengthen the bonds between team members, ultimately improving group dynamics.
  • Interactive play with mindfulness toys encourages creative thinking and problem-solving within groups, leading to fresh ideas and more effective solutions.
  • A mindful and engaged workforce is a more productive workforce. Employees who use mindfulness toys tend to be more focused and efficient in their tasks.

Our Mindfulness Thoughts