Playful Prescription: The Surprising Benefits of Fun in Diabetes Management

Play is something we often associate with children, but did you know that it can be just as important for adults, especially those dealing with a chronic illness like type 1 diabetes? Now, I have type 2 diabetes but I find some of these things true to myself as well. Yes, you heard that right! In this playful journey through the world of play, we’ll explore how having fun can significantly boost your emotional well-being, enhance your relationships, and even improve your self-care, all while living with a chronic illness.

What is Play?

Before we dive into the fun stuff, let’s define what we mean by “play” in the context of adulthood. In this investigation, play is described as an activity with the goal of amusement and fun, an enthusiastic, in-the-moment attitude, and a high degree of interaction either with the activity itself or with interaction partners. Play comes in various forms, from cooperative to competitive, novel to familiar, planned to spontaneous. Whether it’s playing cards, going to bingo, or simply having playful banter with your partner, it all counts as play.

The Benefits of Play:

Play isn’t just about having a good time; it’s also associated with numerous psychological and physical benefits. Here’s how play can be a game-changer for adults, particularly those living with type 1 diabetes:

  1. Boosting Your Mood: Play is an intensely positive experience, generating high levels of positive affect. So, if you’re feeling down, a game night with your partner or a fun activity can work wonders for your mood.
  2. Stress Reduction: Play provides a brief escape from life’s everyday stressors and responsibilities. It’s like hitting the reset button for your stress levels, helping you unwind and relax.
  3. Strengthening Relationships: Play fosters bonding between partners, making you feel more comfortable and open with each other. This strengthened connection can spill over into more serious conversations and support interactions.
  4. Improving Problem-Solving: Play encourages creative thinking and unconventional problem-solving. The positive emotions generated by play lead to diverse thought-action repertoires, ideal for tackling complex issues.

Play and Type 1 Diabetes:

Now, let’s talk about how play relates to individuals with type 1 diabetes. Coping with this chronic illness requires daily effort and can be emotionally and cognitively demanding. Play can be a secret weapon in managing diabetes more effectively:

  1. Regulating Emotions: Play elevates positive mood and lowers negative mood, aiding in problem-solving, a crucial aspect of diabetes management.
  2. Enhancing Unconscious Processing: Engaging in play allows for the unconscious processing of self-care information, which can lead to better decision-making when it comes to managing diabetes.
  3. Promoting Communication: Play encourages open communication between partners, leading to more diabetes-related discussions. This openness can translate into better diabetes support from your loved one.
  4. Improving Self-Care: All these factors together create an environment where self-care becomes more manageable. Play becomes a surprising ally in the battle against diabetes.

The notion that play is only for children is now debunked! It’s a joyful and beneficial activity that can significantly improve the lives of adults, especially those dealing with a chronic illness like type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Play boosts mood, reduces stress, strengthens relationships, and enhances problem-solving abilities. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by your diabetes management, don’t hesitate to break out the board games, indulge in playful banter, or embark on any fun adventure. You’ll be amazed at how play can positively impact your life.

Source: The importance of having fun: Daily play among adults with type 1 diabetes