Funny Things About Business

We always joke about quirky things in the workplace, they unify us and give us a reason to laugh. When creating content for work that focuses on serious topics, it doesn’t hurt to sprinkle in some common things that make us “lol” to lighten the topic and make the content more engaging without losing the overall message. Here are a few funny things about business that you can use in any comedy content you produce:

  1. The phrase “corporate ladder” suggests that climbing the ranks in a company is a linear process, but in reality, it can be more like a jungle gym with lots of twists and turns.
  2. Business jargon can be amusing, with terms like “synergy,” “leverage,” and “drill down” that are often used in corporate settings but have little meaning outside of them.
  3. In many businesses, the most important meetings are the ones that take place around the coffee machine or water cooler, where casual conversations can lead to important connections and ideas.
  4. Business attire can be humorous, with people often wearing suits and dresses that are overly formal or out of touch with the work they are doing.
  5. Business travel can be funny, with stories of lost luggage, missed flights, and strange hotels that can provide a good laugh.
  6. The concept of a “power lunch” is comical, as if eating a certain type of food or in a specific location can somehow give you more power or influence.
  7. Business presentations can be amusing, with people using flashy graphics and buzzwords to try and impress their audience, even if their ideas are not particularly insightful or useful.
  8. Business can be unpredictable, with unexpected twists and turns that can lead to humorous situations and outcomes.
  9. The concept of “networking” can be amusing, as it involves people trying to build connections and relationships with others in a somewhat contrived and artificial way.
  10. The sheer amount of bureaucracy and paperwork involved in many businesses can be comical, with endless forms and processes to follow that often seem to have little purpose.

It’s important to consider the audience and make sure that the content is appropriate and won’t offend or alienate anyone. It’s also a good idea to test the content with a small group before rolling it out more widely. A company that has a sense of humor and isn’t afraid to laugh at itself can create a more enjoyable work environment for its employees and a more positive image for the public.